Sunday, November 8, 2009

Side Effects After Chemo

What to expect after Chemo therapy?

Doing some research on what are the side effects after chemo it is apart that it is every side effect in the book. Basically in chemo your body is completely mutated and has to learn how to do common functions for instance saliva to stomach acid.

But this is the hope with chemotherapy. It mutates all the cells in your body which then hopefully the cancer will not be able to regrow. Works like a charm most of the time. After a little bit of pain you will be back on your feet again. Never give up when it come to cancer and living with the stages of cancer.

Here are the list of side effects after having Chemo:
  • fever
  • sore throat
  • new cough or shortness of breath
  • nasal congestion (stuffy nose)
  • burning during urination
  • shaking chills
  • redness, swelling, pain, and warmth at the site of an injury or at an IV, CVC, or implanted catheter site
  • extreme tiredness called fatigue (described below)
  • pallor or paleness of the skin and mucous membranes (like the mouth and gums)
  • dizziness
  • headaches
  • irritability
  • shortness of breath, especially with exertion (walking, going up steps, etc.)
  • low blood pressure
  • a rise in heart rate or breathing rate (or both)
  • bruise easily
  • bleed longer than usual after minor cuts or scrapes
  • have bleeding gums or nose bleeds
  • develop petechiae (small reddish-purple spots on your skin)
  • have headaches
  • have visible blood in stool or urine
  • have serious internal bleeding if the platelet count is very low
  • either a dislike for or an increased desire for sweet foods
  • dislike of foods with bitter tastes
  • dislike for tomatoes and tomato products
  • hair loss
  • dislike for beef or pork
  • constant metallic or medicinal taste in your mouth
I searched the internet and could not find out symptom after chemo that happens to a person. The good thing is after a little bit of time and the chemo sessions are over you are ready to go on with your life again.

Good Luck my friend and god loves you.